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Monday, January 7, 2008

It’s Green Week!!!

This was such a great idea. Ever since my character on Days had a “Green Wedding” I have been even more aware of all the little things we can do to help the environment. I now incorporate some of the things I learned during that storyline when I’m throwing parties or just in everyday life. So, I was really excited that Biggest Loser was doing something for the environment too! And happy to see how everyone embraced the theme this week. A little grumbling from Bill (justifiably afraid of going back into the desert with Jillian) aside, they all were enthusiastic about learning ways they can be more eco-friendly.

Now, at this point in the season, you may be asking me… do I have a favorite? The truth is, yes! I want them all to win! Seriously, they are all fantastic people, and I really admire the effort they are putting into this game/life-change. By nature, I am a root-for-the-under-dog type person. For example, I will root for the LA Clippers vs the LA Lakers every time. Every sport I watch in fact, I almost always find myself cheering for the losing team. Nothing is more exciting than a come-back! So in each situation here at the Biggest Loser Campus, each challenge, each weigh-in, I am cheering them all on! And nothing is more difficult for me in this job than looking someone in the eye and saying “you are not the Biggest Loser”. It seriously kills me.

We talk a lot afterwards about what their plans are when they get home. How they are going to stick to their diet/exercise plan going once they’re home. We do have a big advantage in Los Angeles, having health-food stores everywhere, as well as Jillian, Kim and Bob always ready to help motivate you. I travel frequently to different towns throughout the US, and sometimes it can be very difficult to find health-conscious food, especially in restaurants. But having the knowledge, is a big step in the right direction. Knowing what ‘healthy’ is, vs falling for the “low-fat” label on a package of cookies, can make all the difference.

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone again at the finale. I wonder how Phil is doing, Jerry, Patty, Jez… I think about all the contestants who have already gone home and I hope they are still working hard on their new lifestyles. I can’t wait to see them all!!


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